On-Page Optimization (The Backbone of Your SEO Efforts)

Let’s get away from those vague sales pages that make your eyes glaze over from boredom. Let me actually give you some information that can help rank your website NOW, even if you don’t want to buy our services.

The best on-page SEO is often when a new page is created with keywords in mind. That’s why it’s important to do keyword research before you create a new page. However, if you already have created a page we can always reword it using your targeted keywords.

The title of the page is the most important on-page ranking factor because it tells Google what your page is about. For an example, take a look at our Clearwater SEO page. Instead of just making the page title “SEO Company” I did proper keyword research to determine:

  1. Buyers Intent
  2. Search Volume & Modifiers
  3. Long Tail Phrases
  4. Keyword Competitiveness

Now, we’ll share our thought process when creating new pages. These steps are not necessarily in order, but you use information gathered in each step to determine your targeted keywords. 

buyer intent

If you sell a product or service then you have some idea as to what people are typing in Google to find you or your competitors. These are known as your “seed” keywords and you build upon them with long tail phrases and keyword synonym variations.

Now you will use these seeds to help find keywords with buying intent. We do this by using a powerful keyword research tool called Long Tail Pro. It cost $37/mo. but it is well worth it if you plan to do SEO yourself.

keyword research tool

Here is an example:

Let’s look at these two keywords, “SEO” and “SEO Services”. The keyword “SEO” has 3x more traffic than “SEO services” but that doesn’t mean we should target the keyword with the highest search volume.

If someone types “SEO” into Google they could be:

  1. Trying to figure out what SEO means.
  2. Trying to learn how to do SEO themselves.
  3. Trying to research different SEO tools.

Whereas, with the keyword “SEO Services” they are most likely trying to find a company that sells SEO services. So it will be much smarter to target the keyword that has a higher conversion opportunity than one with higher search volume.

search volume

We use advanced software to determine the search volume of our keyword ideas. Then add a local search modifier:

  • Keyword + City 1 (SEO Company Tampa)
  • Keyword + City 2 (SEO Company St. Petersburg)
  • Keyword + City 3 (SEO Company Clearwater)

Here we take note of the search volume of nearby cities with our keyword. Sometimes it’s better to target a nearby city because they have more residents that search for your product or service.

Save all of those keywords, and move onto the next section.

long tail keyword

Now we use the power of the LongTailPro to find long tail phrases for the keywords we chose. LTPs are phrases that people use to narrow their search. Oftentimes when someone is at the end of a purchasing funnel they use certain words to better suite their intention.

Keywords with buyer intent: Best, Cheap, Order, Buy, Repair, Restore, Purchase, Review, Tips, Guide, On Sale, Free Shipping, Discount Code, For men, For women.

Those are just a few of the most common keywords with buying intent. I’m sure you’ve used some of these when searching Google yourself. As you can see with our example page title we used the LTP “best” and “local” to capitalize on our keyword outreach.

buying intent

Now you should have a large list of keywords that have high search volume, target specific areas, and have commercial intention. Finally it’s time to look at the competition of that keyword.

keyword compet

Finally, the next critical step is to determine how much competition of that specific keyword.

By this point, you should have a set of keywords that meet all the criteria above. You will see keywords that shine above the rest, unfortunately, other SEO experts have also found those keywords and most likely have been targeting those for months/years.

If you have a new website or have little authority in your niche then you first want to target the low-hanging fruit, such as keyword competitiveness score less than 30. This score is the product of many different web metrics. Watch this video for a better understanding on which keywords you should target.

On-Page SEO Conclusion

SEO can be a very daunting task once you understand what has to be done. Long gone are the days where someone can easily rank a website with black hat techniques. There is a lot of critical thinking involved because you have to decide which keywords you want to target for each specific page then optimize that page accordingly. To do these tasks efficiently you need to purchase SEO tools which are often very expensive and charge monthly.

The post On-Page Optimization 2017 (The Backbone of Your SEO Efforts) appeared first on Tampa SEO Company | BroadLink Media Inc..

5 Reasons Why Digital Marketing Is Great For Business

Why are so many businesses jumping on the digital marketing bandwagon?

For any business operating in today’s world, formulating a digital marketing strategy is key to survival. You may be thinking this doesn’t apply to you if your products and services target the senior population exclusively. After all, technology and digital trends are the exclusive domain of the younger generation, right? In actual fact, that’s nowhere close to the truth. You’ll be surprised by how much further you can grow your business with effective digital marketing. Regardless of your organisation’s size and target audience, if you’re able to strategically harness the potential of digital marketing, you’re looking at serious growth in profits.

What exactly is digital marketing?

Before starting to explore why digital marketing is great for business, let’s first make sure we’re on the same page. Digital marketing means different things to different people. At its very core, digital marketing simply refers to marketing your products and/or services online. Here we examine the 5 core reasons why digital marketing can boost your business.

#1. It’s the next logical step

the next logical step

Australian businesses are increasingly embracing the transition to the digital marketplace. You’ll be hard pressed to find a business owner who hasn’t considered this switch. Bringing your business online through eCommerce website development is the first step to competing in an increasingly digital business environment, but if you don’t maintain your online presence then you’re defeating the purpose of coming online in the first place. If you’re a business owner or marketing manager, you will know that marketing is essential to sell what you have to offer. Similarly, digital marketing is how businesses compete online and achieve greater success.


#2. It’s extremely cost-effective

extremely cost-effective

Digital marketing is in fact a lot more cost-effective than traditional offline marketing. Just think about effective social media marketing – creating engaging content and posting it regularly on social media platforms means instant visibility to all your followers. Now compare it to the cost of physically printing out flyers, newspaper advertisements and other marketing material. While formulating and implementing a comprehensive digital marketing strategy might require the services of a digital marketing company, you don’t have to have a large business to afford such services. There are several reputable yet affordable agencies that cater to small and medium-sized businesses as well. Also keep in mind that the returns from an effective digital marketing strategy can significantly outweigh the costs of professional services.

#3. The sheer numbers!

The sheer numbers

Digital marketing takes advertising tactics much further than word-of-mouth and cold calling. The core function of a digital marketing strategy is to promote your business online, and in doing so instantly increase your visibility to millions of potential customers who may never have heard of you otherwise. In a globalised economy, digital marketing tactics such as search engine optimisation and effective content marketing help you bring your business to consumers looking for your products and services across geographical boundaries and the constraints of time zones. Internet users account for staggering 93.1% of the Australian population – imagine bringing your business onto the radars of even a small proportion of these Internet users.

#4. It inspires customer loyalty

Customer loyalty

If you have a business selling a certain product or providing a service, your interactions with your customers may well be limited to the number of times they physically visit your stores or ring your customer service department. This means that they’re only likely to be engaged with you when they need what you offer. Digital marketing helps you build professional relationships with your customers that are more than just transactional. This is often done through blogs, social media platforms, email marketing with your latest offers and even loyalty rewards. Chances are your customers may already be talking about your products/services. Digital marketing ensures you can join in on the conversation and show your customers that you’re more than just a faceless corporation.
#5. You can actually analyse your performance

Analyse performance

If you’ve tried your hand at offline marketing, you’ll know it can often take weeks to set up an initial meeting, let alone close the sale. If that falls through, it might take ages and more missed opportunities to figure out how you can improve your pitch and offerings. One of the great things about digital marketing is conversion rate optimisation. With this, you can tell pretty much instantly how your website and online offers are performing, and even see the effects of every minor tweak in real time. Thanks to tools like Google Analytics, digital marketing gives you the opportunity to optimise your marketing tactics and keep improving.
Still don’t think digital marketing is right for you?

Digital Marketing

No business is too small to enjoy the profits that digital marketing promises. However, before embarking on a digital marketing campaign, it’s absolutely critical to be sure of the credentials of the agency you’re trusting your online reputation with. A poorly-managed digital marketing strategy can actually do more harm than good. If you’re unsure about whether digital marketing could be profitable for your business or have any other queries, get in touch! We’d be happy to arrange for a free no-obligation consultation and help you take the first step to realising your full business potential.

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